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Easter Day Bout: Lockdown turned Knockout


WhatsApp Image 2020-04-07 at 6.47.37 PM
Timothy Olonade

The global community, in one form or another, is in a condition of lockdown on account of Covid-19. State after state all around the world, unsure of better way to mitigate against the pandemic, simply slammed lockdown on their territories. Better safe than sorry. Prevention and restriction are better weapons to fight the spread of a novel virus that has caught the world pants down. So, this Easter for most parts, saints are in lockdown territories celebrating the greatest redemptive event in human history!

However, the world is equally ravaged by another ancient and virulent disease. It is what I call Sinovirus, a condition of sinfulness or sin driven human desire to live separate from God. This Sinovirus started in the garden of Eden and rapidly spread to the entire human race. “By one man sin entered into the world…” Put in another way, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”Sin has thus become the greatest all time alarming global pandemic.

Well, to fix this, God in time past and different ways spoke to the patriarchs through all human agents. But to resolve the Sinovirus pandemic, He has chosen to speak to us in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. Sin is a festering global pandemic that plagues humanity, spirit soul and body. No social distancing or hand washing can expunge its infection from the heart and soul of a person.

Consequently, God didn’t come up with a sin palliative; He came up with total redemption. He did not come up with global lockdown; He came up with sinovirus knockout! Seeing the whole world plagued by sinovirus darkness; He touched down with the radiance of His glory and the brightness of His person. Jesus simply came to destroy the works of darkness.

Yet Jesus did not shut down human activities nor lockdown territories to cure sin pandemic. He simply gave a deathly blow to death to secure life eternal for all. He went to the cross to set the world free; He came out of the grave to handover that freedom to all human race.

How did He achieve this within thirty-three short years that included three and half years of ministering in Palestine? The secret is not in the duration, but in His donation! Not how long he lived, but how much He gave. He gave His life as a ransom for many when He gave sin an irrevocable knockout!

So, here is the verdict of the Great Umpire: because of that Easter morning knockout, whoever believes and appropriates this feat, shall no longer subject to the dominion of sin!

Alleluia! Happy Easter!! Happy Knockout day!!!

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