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Specialized Seminars

Global Impact for Professionals

In Global Purpose for Professionals you will learn how to seek, find and maintain job in foreign land and how to use job as a form of worship and witness in foreign nations. In this course all resisted-access countries are open.

Encountering the World of Islam

Strategic Training on Evangelizing Muslims (STEM) exposes the Church to love Muslims passionately with God-infused zeal, Christ-directed love and Spirit-inspired hope. You will discover the core of Islam belief system; Understand why Islam is called a way of life; discover the principles of engagement and outreach with Muslims; Find the common ground for bringing many sons unto glory; and own over 600 page Encountering the World of Islam Manual.

Serving as Senders

Bible for Life and Ministry (BLM) focuses on restoring biblical content to the pulpits using Outline Bible resources. In this training, you will discover what the Bible says to the Minister; Connect the difference between a call and a ministry; Find out how to effectively do expository teaching using POSB; and get 2-volume of Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Prep Bible (1000+ pages).

Men in Mission and Evangelism

Empowered to Multiply (ETM) is primarily a foundational training on how to become and develop Christ-like centered leadership movement. It is geared toward helping leaders cultivate appropriate biblical values and strategy that enhance Christ leadership and mentoring program from Monday to Saturday among them, thus, taking our leadership effort away from just a Pulpit service on Sunday morning to everyday life in the working place.

Kingdom Priority

Harvest Force Training (HFT) is a training that will empower Participants (you and church) to take the Gospel to where it is needed the most by exposing participants to basic strategies they can deploy to be finishers of the Great Commission.